Botanical living trend: A green oasis of well-being

Natural and botanical elements are currently very popular in interior design. In this blog article, we dive deeper into the botanical trend and discover how to bring nature into your home using plants, green accents and natural materials.

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in creating a natural and green environment in our homes. Whether you live in a busy city or a rural area, the botanical trend offers a refreshing way to incorporate the calming and invigorating energy of nature into your everyday life.

The importance of bringing nature into your home goes beyond aesthetics. Studies have shown that greenery and natural elements have a positive impact on our well-being. They help reduce stress, promote concentration and create a calming and harmonious atmosphere.

Whether you want to create an urban jungle with lush houseplants or add subtle green accents to your interiors, the botanical trend offers countless opportunities to create a healthy and inviting living environment.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the botanical trend and inspire you with ideas to bring nature into your home. We will look at using plants as statement pieces, adding green accents in decoration and using natural materials in interior design. We will also share practical tips on styling and maintaining plants and inspire you with examples of beautiful botanical interiors.

Whether you are a lover of minimalist design, a fan of vintage charm or have a penchant for an eclectic mix, there are countless ways to adapt the botanical trend to your personal style.

So, let's open the doors to a world of green and embrace nature in our living spaces. Discover how you can transform your home into an oasis of calm, where you can enjoy the benefits of connecting with nature, even in the heart of the urban jungle.


voordelen botanische trend

Benefits of the botanical trend

First of all, all the benefits in a nutshell. The botanical trend not only offers an aesthetic addition to your interiors, but it also brings a range of benefits to your well-being. Research has shown that incorporating greenery and natural elements into our living environment has a positive impact on various aspects of our lives.

Here are some of the benefits of the botanical trend:


  1. Improved air quality: Plants act as natural air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, improving the air quality in your home. Certain plants, such as the well-known peace lily and spider plant, can even filter harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
  2. Stress reduction: The presence of greenery and natural elements has a proven calming effect on our minds. Looking at plants and natural landscapes can reduce stress, lower heart rate and promote a sense of calm. By having plants in your home, you create an environment conducive to relaxation and well-being.
  3. Increased productivity and concentration: Studies show that having plants in the office or study areas can increase productivity and concentration. Greenery in the environment can reduce fatigue, boost creativity and improve focus, allowing you to work more efficiently.
  4. Improved mood and mental health: Surrounding yourself with greenery can have a positive impact on your mood and general mental health. Caring for plants and observing their growth can provide a sense of satisfaction and calm. Moreover, plants can help reduce feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness.
  5. Natural aesthetic and connection: Bringing nature into the home using the botanical trend creates a natural aesthetic that exudes peace and serenity. It creates a sense of connection with the natural world, even if you live in an urban environment. This can promote a sense of harmony and well-being.


By opting for the botanical trend and incorporating plants, green accents and natural materials into your interiors, you can enjoy all these benefits. It is a simple and effective way to transform your living space into a healthy, calming and inspiring environment.


planten als statementstukken

Plants as statement pieces

One of the most striking aspects of the botanical trend is the use of plants as statement pieces in interiors. Strategically placing large houseplants or creating a vertical garden can have a powerful visual effect and make a green statement in your home. Below, we explore popular indoor plant varieties and their specific characteristics, as well as ideas for creating a green statement.


Popular indoor plant species:

  • Monstera Deliciosa: Also known as the hole plant, with large green leaves with distinctive indentations. It adds a tropical look to your interior.

monstera deliciosa

  • Ficus lyrata: An imposing tree with large, glossy leaves. Perfect for creating a statement in a corner of the room.

ficus lyrata

  • Pilea Peperomioides: Also known as the pancake plant, with round, flat leaves. It has a unique look and is easy to care for.

pilea peperomioides

  • Calathea: A family of plants with beautiful leaf designs in various colours. They bring vibrancy and variety to your interior.


  • Sansevieria: Also known as the lady's tongue, with upright, pointed leaves. It has a modern look and is very resilient.



Creating a green statement:

  • Large houseplants: Choose a striking large plant, such as a fern or a palm, and place it in a prominent position in the room. It will immediately attract attention and make a green statement.
  • Vertical garden: If you have limited space, you can create a vertical garden using wall hangings or modular systems with planters. This not only adds greenery to your interior, but also provides an interesting and artistic element.


When choosing plants as statement pieces, it is important to consider the specific needs of each plant, such as light levels and watering. Make sure you create the right conditions for the plants to thrive. In addition, you can play around with different types of pots and plant stands to enhance the visual effect.

By using plants as statement pieces, you will not only bring a piece of nature inside, but also add a beautiful decorative element to your interior. It will definitely attract attention and be a topic of conversation for guests. So dare to go big and make a green statement with plants in your home.


groen interieur

Green accents in decoration

Besides using plants as statement pieces, you can add green accents to your interiors to create a sense of calm and harmony. Green tones are associated with nature and have a calming effect on our minds.

Below, we explore the use of green shades in paint, wallpaper, cushions and other accessories, and how you can use them to enhance your interiors.


Use of green tones in paint and wallpaper:

  • Opt for an accent wall: Paint one wall in a shade of green to create a focal point in the room. This can be a deep emerald green or a subtle pastel green shade, depending on your personal preference and the style of the room.
  • Pattern wallpaper: Consider wallpaper with botanical prints or leaf motifs to give a vibrant and natural look to the room. This can cover an entire wall or be used as an accent.




Green accents in accessories:

  • Cushions and throws: Add green cushions or throws to your sofa or armchairs to add a touch of freshness and colour. Mix different shades of green for a playful effect.
  • Curtains and blinds: Choose curtains or blinds in a green color to enhance the natural look and fill the room with soft, diffused light.
  • Vases and pots: Place green vases or pots on tables, shelves or windowsills. Combine different shapes and sizes for an interesting composition.
  • Wall decoration: Hang artwork with green elements, such as landscapes or botanical prints. This adds visual interest and reinforces the green theme in the room.



groene accenten

Adding green accents creates a feeling of freshness, peace and harmony in your interior. It is important to strike the right balance so that the green elements do not overwhelm the space. Experiment with different shades of green and combine them with other neutral colors such as white, beige or wood tones to create a balanced and cohesive whole.

Whether you choose subtle green accents or a bold green paint or wallpaper, using green tones in your interior will create an invigorating and natural atmosphere. It will help you relax and enjoy a sense of connection with nature even when you are indoors. So let green play the leading role in your decoration and create an oasis of peace in your home.



natuurlijke elementen interieur

Natural materials in interior design

The use of natural materials is an essential aspect of the botanical trend. Materials such as wood, wicker, bamboo and other organic elements add warmth, texture and a touch of natural beauty to your interior. In this section we explore the application of these materials and how you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere with natural textures.


  • Flooring: Choose wooden floors to create a natural base. Wooden floors bring warmth and character to any room.
  • Furniture: Go for wooden furniture, such as a robust dining table, an elegant sideboard or a refined bookcase. The natural wood pattern and texture add an organic element to your interior.
  • Decorative accents: Use wooden accessories such as picture frames, trays or sculptures to add a touch of natural charm.

Reed and bamboo

  • Furniture: Choose furniture made of cane or bamboo, such as chairs, lounge chairs or side tables. These materials bring a rustic and tropical atmosphere to your interior.
  • Baskets and storage boxes: Use wicker baskets or storage boxes to organize your things in a stylish way. They add natural texture and go well with the botanical aesthetic.

Other organic materials:

  • Rattan: Rattan furniture, such as hanging chairs or plant stands, gives a boho-chic look to your interior.
  • Linen and cotton: Use fabrics such as linen and cotton for curtains, pillowcases and tablecloths. These natural fibers bring softness and comfort to your interior.
  • Terracotta: Use terracotta pots for your plants to create an earthy and Mediterranean atmosphere. The warm color of terracotta fits well with the botanical trend.



Combining these natural materials creates a harmonious and inviting atmosphere in your interior. Mix different textures and materials to add visual interest. For example, combine wooden furniture with wicker baskets and pillows in linen fabrics for a layered effect.

By using natural materials in your interior design, you embrace the beauty of nature and bring a sense of warmth and authenticity to your home. Creating a space with natural textures and elements will help you relax and enjoy an environment that is in harmony with nature.



botanische tips

Botanical styling tips

Successfully styling plants and green accents in your interior is essential to bring the botanical trend to life. In this section, we share tips for choosing the right plants for different rooms in your home and provide suggestions for styling plants and green accents in different interior styles.


Choosing the right plants:

  • Sunlight levels: Pay attention to the light levels in each room and choose plants that are suitable for those specific conditions. Some plants thrive in bright sunlight, while others prefer indirect light.
  • Space availability: Consider the size of the space when choosing plants. Opt for large houseplants in spacious living rooms or crescent moon ferns for compact corners.
  • Ease of maintenance: If you don't have a green thumb or don't have much time for plant care, choose plants that require little maintenance, such as sansevieria or zz plants.


Styling tips for different interior styles:

  • Scandinavian: Go for minimalist pots and clean lines. Place a few plants on windowsills or suspended shelves to create a fresh and airy atmosphere.
  • Industrial: Combine sturdy metal elements with plants in rough, unpolished pots. Think of hanging plants or vertical gardens to create a green contrast against the industrial background.
  • Bohemian: Mix different types of plants in an eclectic mix of pots and baskets. Add macrame plant hangers for a playful boho vibe.
  • Modern: Choose sleek, geometric pots and place a few large indoor plants as eye-catchers. Create symmetry by placing plants on either side of a piece of furniture.
  • Coast: Choose airy and tropical plants, such as palms or ferns. Combine them with light, natural materials such as rattan and seagrass for a relaxed coastal feeling.


When styling plants and green accents, it is important to experiment and follow your own personal style. Mix different plants, play with heights and textures, and use plants to complement other decorative elements in the room.

Styling plants and green accents not only adds a fresh look to your interior, but also brings the natural world inside. It creates a feeling of peace and serenity and can serve as an eye-catcher in any room. So let your creativity run wild and enjoy styling plants according to your interior style.


onderhoud planten

Maintenance and care of plants

Successfully keeping plants indoors requires proper care and attention. In this section, we'll cover the basics of plant care, including watering, lighting, and nutrition. We also offer solutions to common problems you may encounter when caring for plants in your home.



  • Regularly, but not too much: Water your plants regularly, but avoid overwatering. Check the moisture of the soil by sticking your finger in the top inch. Water when the soil feels dry.
  • Adjust to seasons: Adjust watering based on the seasons. Plants generally need more water in the spring and summer due to higher temperatures and faster growth. Reduce watering in fall and winter when the plants are dormant.
  • Drainage: Make sure the pots your plants are in have drainage holes to drain excess water. Standing water can lead to root rot.



  • Light needs: Get to know the light needs of your plants. Some plants need a lot of direct sunlight, while others thrive in indirect or even shaded light. Place your plants in the appropriate areas of your home accordingly.
  • Rotating plants: Rotate your plants regularly so that they are evenly exposed to the light. This prevents them from growing to one side and encourages balanced growth.



  • Fertilizers: Feed your plants with nutrients regularly using suitable fertilizers. Follow the instructions on the package to avoid over-fertilizing. It is usually sufficient to fertilize once every few weeks during the growing season.
  • Organic options: Consider using organic fertilizers to feed your plants in a natural and environmentally friendly way.


Common problems and solutions

  • Pests: Regularly monitor your plants for signs of pests, such as aphids or spider mites. If necessary, use insecticides or natural methods to control them.
  • Leaf Loss: If your plants are losing leaves, it could be due to insufficient light, overwatering, or a lack of nutrients. Adjust the care accordingly.
  • Wilting: Wilted plants can result from both under- and over-watering. Check soil moisture and adjust watering.



Inspiration from botanical interiors

Botanical interiors offer endless possibilities to bring natural beauty into your home. In this section, we share inspiring examples of beautiful botanical interiors and discuss their unique features. We also explore the use of botanical elements in different rooms, such as the living room, bedroom and kitchen.


Beautiful botanical interiors

  • Tropical paradise: A botanical interior with a tropical atmosphere is characterized by lush green plants, exotic prints and natural materials such as bamboo and rattan. Think large houseplants, palm leaf patterns and colorful flowers to create a vibrant and lush look.
  • Minimalist oasis: A botanical interior can also have a minimalist aesthetic, with a few carefully placed plants creating a calming atmosphere. Think light colours, clean lines and a limited number of plants to create a serene and balanced space.
  • Eclectic mix: Different styles and elements are combined in an eclectic botanical interior. Mix plants in different shapes and sizes, use different pots and add playful accents, such as vintage plant hangers or striking works of art with botanical motifs.


Botanical elements in different rooms

  • Living room: Place large indoor plants in the corners of the living room to create a fresh and vibrant look. Hang plants from the ceiling or place them on bookshelves to add height and dimension. Add green accents with pillows, curtains and artwork with nature motifs.
  • Bedroom: Create a soothing atmosphere with plants such as lavender, jasmine or sansevieria in the bedroom. Choose plants with air-purifying properties to promote a healthy and relaxed environment. Place plants on bedside tables, window sills or hang them on the wall with macramé plant hangers.
  • Kitchen: Add a touch of freshness to the kitchen with herbal plants such as basil, mint or parsley. Grow them in hanging pots, a countertop herb garden, or a windowsill greenhouse. Use plants as decorative accents and functional ingredients in your kitchen.


Using botanical elements in different rooms allows you to spread the beauty and benefits of plants throughout your home. Be inspired by the diversity of botanical interiors and adapt the style and elements to your personal preferences and the specifics of each room.

Whether you choose a lush tropical look, a minimalist approach or an eclectic mix, botanical elements add life, color and a touch of natural serenity to your interior. Experiment, enjoy and let nature inspire you as you create your botanical paradise at home.


botanische toekomst

Botanical trend in the future

The botanical trend has seen a strong rise in recent years, but what can we expect from this trend in the coming years? In this section, we discuss our expectations for the development of the botanical trend and share innovative ideas and designs that bring nature even more into your home.

  • Sustainability and Conservation: As awareness around sustainability and conservation increases, the botanical trend is likely to move towards a more ecologically responsible approach. We can expect to see more focus on the use of native plant species, vertical gardens, and recycled and natural materials in interior design.
  • Technology and plants: The integration of technology in the botanical trend offers interesting opportunities. Think, for example, of smart plant pots that monitor and adjust the water needs of plants, or advanced lighting systems that optimize plant growth. These innovations will increase the ease of plant care and provide new ways to bring nature into your home.
  • Living art installations: In addition to traditional plant arrangements, we can expect living art installations to play a more prominent role in botanical interiors. Think living wall art or vertical gardens that act as statement pieces and create a unique green aesthetic.
  • Botanical wellness areas: The focus on wellness and health is also expected to influence the botanical trend. We can expect innovative ideas such as botanical wellness spaces with air-purifying plants, aromatic herbs and natural materials that create a calming and relaxing environment.
  • Virtual reality and natural experience: With the rise of virtual reality (VR), we can imagine that there will be new ways to bring the natural world into your home. VR experiences can give us the opportunity to explore our favorite botanical environments and recreate the soothing effects of nature, even when we are in an urban environment.


The botanical trend will continue to evolve and innovate, with an emphasis on sustainability, technology, wellness and creative designs. This trend offers an inviting and inspiring way to integrate nature into our busy lives and create a harmonious and green home.

Stay alert to new developments and be inspired by the innovative ideas that the botanical trend will bring into the future. The possibilities are endless when it comes to embracing nature in our daily lives and creating a home that connects us to the beauty and vitality of nature.



In this article we have explored the fascinating world of the botanical trend, bringing nature into your home with plants, green accents and natural materials. Let's recap the main points:


  • The botanical trend offers a wonderful way to bring the beauty and soothing power of nature into your home.
  • Plants act as statement pieces, creating a vibrant and fresh atmosphere in any room.
  • Green accents, such as paint, wallpaper, cushions and accessories, add a sense of peace and harmony to the interior.
  • Natural materials, such as wood, reed and bamboo, bring a warm and inviting atmosphere, with natural textures enriching the interior.
  • Botanical styling tips help you choose the right plants for every room and harmoniously integrate green accents into different interior styles.
  • Maintaining and caring for plants requires attention to watering, lighting and feeding, along with solving common problems.
  • Inspiring botanical interiors show the diversity of the trend and how to use botanical elements in different rooms, such as the living room, bedroom and kitchen.
  • The future of the botanical trend brings expectations of sustainability, technology integration, living art installations and botanical wellness spaces.


We are encouraged to try the botanical trend and enjoy the benefits of the natural environment in our daily lives. Be inspired by the botanical trend and get started creating a green and lively home. Experience the soothing and revitalizing effects of the natural environment, while beautifying your interior at the same time. Bring nature into your home and enjoy the beauty it brings.

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